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  English >> XYZ Poetry  
Songs of Returning Hometown
In the blaze of grass-blade
Love all that I could
Pick up the fallen flowers
 Merely pickup the lyrics
My heart fraught with weird gifts
No one knows
Might it be in no importance
'cause I highly treasure these gifts  
The flower of wind discerning the day
Hardly see shadow of misery
Treasuring the heavenly language
That is the harbor of our sanctuary forever
On the way back
The endless wild peonies blossom for me
I could remember nothing
But the sound of flower falling
Accomplish the life naturally by fading
It was on the road forsaken
That I found the Heaven
Darkness beyond darkness
Disappearance is like a faith
There is no way back
Only my heart
Looks like a weird child
Standing below the sky
Await the breeze to fly
The countless time and space
Drowned into the darkness
Only a glow of flower
Make illusion to anchor
Clouds take away my hometown
My frustration is like breeze
The past times
Beaconed by the flowers of a pear tree
I cried for the whole night
Using my tears to exchange the pure heart
My fervent love
Is for complete farewell
No need to tell me the east, west, south and north
I know the direction of wind blowing
In the border line of soul
Plant a merry tree
Do not go to search for me
I have been there
In the dusk of leaf swaying
At the night of flower fading
We deliver the funeral for the emasculated purity
Wondering what to write on the elegiac couplet of the wreath
All desolation is my love
I sing for them
Till the end of my life
Elapse away with them

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