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2007 Feng Zhongyun Modern Ink Life Solo Exhibition Singapore


REPORTs from Singaporean magazines "FORM" &"HOME CONCEPTS"

"Beijing Brush Strokes" & " Liberating Art"



Singapore Newspaper" The Strait Times" Report the Exhibition


" Good Morning, Singapore" Chinese TV Channel Live Interview 


Received interview by English Magazine "Business Week"






  The John Erdos Gallery SINGAPORE ( 83 KIM YAM ROAD)






The John Erdos Gallery and XYZ Gallery Beijing present Feng Zhongyun

Modern Ink Life

If you've been to 798 in Beijing, you would know that it's one of the edgiest, most dynamic art hubs in the world today.  Red hot contemporary artists in China are now celebrated in auction houses in the West, and increasingly in the East.  John Erdos visits Beijing often, and is proud to bring one of the most promising and important art talents from China to Singapore.  Together with XYZ Gallery in 798, Feng Zhongyun will show some 40 modern ink works at the John Erdos Gallery from April 14th 2007.

China has been going through a dramatic period of change.  As it marches into the league of nations that matters politically and economically, it's social-cultural universe struggles to keep pace.  Almost non-existent during Mao's imposition of the devastating cultural revolution, the art scene is now exploding with images at once liberating yet haunting at the same time.  Feng Zhongyun, who grew up in the hutong of Beijing, wants to see life and art without disguise.  He is part of this liberating movement, trained in the finest of technique in ink brush, his images are clearly strong efforts at breaking out of China's past and traditions.  He graduated from Chinese Painting Faculty of Central Fine Art Institute with several solo and combined exhibitions, culminating with an Oriental cup award in 1992, and a nation wide award in 2003 for "Blue Flower".  Feng regularly exhibits in Art Museums and galleries in China and Taiwan but is already a known name collectors around the world look out for.  Singapore is Feng's first exhibition outside of East Asia before moving into European and American cities later this year.

About his work:

Everything traditional is there, from ink to calligraphy, flowers to birds.  But expect drama and unexpected twists.  A series of opera faces with primary red, unadulterated blue, green and yellow.  Not small cute birds but big black ones in a numbered series.  Abstract Han figures, horses and streams of fish big enough to be hung in any living room.  Feng Zhongyun's paintings are bold, big, almost loud.  But they are also unmistakably Chinese, where the poet in the painter is clearly preserved in the calligraphy that accompanies every painting, the strength and control of the traditional Chinese brush very much alive , conveyed in strong passion and at times abandon. Lovers of traditional Chinese art will be fascinated by his sense of freedom, and contemporary art lovers will be captivated by an intensity bordering on frenzy.

As with most Chinese poets, Feng enjoys liquor.  It has been known that the more he drinks, he sees more, and everything is brighter.  He engages in an intense imaginative space that readies him for the spectacular.

Be at The John Erdos Gallery to meet the artist on Saturday and Sunday April 13 and 14th.  Be part of this artist journey outside China as he ventures out, awash with ink of all colours.  Meet the man and his works, destined for greater exposure and recognition.  Get into the community of contemporary Chinese art and one of its brightest stars, who is making traditional ink into "Modern Ink Life ".                                

2008 (c) Copyright CompanyName, inc. All rights reserved.  +86 10 57623017   Pipoo Yang: +86(0)13811524332