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  English >> XYZ Gallery >> Overseas Artist  


1964 Born on 18 June in  in Lorient – France

1985 Graduated from Modern Art Faculty of Paris Fine Arts Academy


French Studio : 1, rue de la Promenade  85170 Belleville sur vie - France


Received the international award of  Aart Masters in NYC

Received the award of Art, Science, Lettres in Paris



"I am drawn to Asian culture, which reflects through its simplicity, the strength of an image in a symbolic context.


At the present time, my quest is constructed around many different materials with a preoccupation for the discovery of the structures with new consistencies.


The process of choosing the central focus of the image acts to regulate the surroundings so as to create the atmosphere without forgetting the federative element: light.


I am inspired by the theatrical aspect of the productions from the Kan’ei era (1624-1644), and Matsuura’s bands of light.


My pursuit of the aesthetic reunites me with my roots: the sea, a generating force of shapes and transparencies.


 My brushes converses with the canvas, in my workshop, I enjoy the presence of paintings which are in the process of drying.


I look at the rust <trophies> and the palettes of pigment, which take me to far-off places:

Russian Blue, China Red, Bengali Pink, Neapolitan Yellow, Veronese Green…


This is effervescence of my creativity."

by Henri Gueguen



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