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  English >> XYZ Gallery >> Overseas Artist  
wenwen jumsai(thai)
文文.春塞wenwen jumsai(thai)


wenwen jumsai(thai)

prisdha jumsai (thai) is an architect, a former dj and professional football player. these activities all lend themselves well to his artistic preoccupations with the visual and the structural, and possess a wide range of affective elements.

prisdha is a graduate in architecture and the moving image from cambridge university and also studied architecture at university college london. he established his practice, dymaxion studio company, nearly a decade ago and has worked on a variety of architectural projects including the tsunami and refugee center 2008 in phang nga in southern thailand, a private music studio 2007 in bangkok and a new university in bhutan in 2006, the result of an international design competition. active as a professional architect since 1996, prisdha has lectured at chulalongkorn university and king mongkut university of technology thonburi, both in thailand. prisdha has extensive experience of working in the media, including brand campaigns for g-shock thailand, nike and playground, and until a few years ago he could be heard on regular radio slots as a dj.

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